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Safety science

Journal Volume: 48
Journal Issue: 5
Journal Year: 2010
Articles in SafetyLit: 17

A development in energy flow/barrier analysis

A field assessment of floor slipperiness in a fish market in Taiwan

A human factors and reliability approach to clinical risk management: Evidence from Italian cases

A new-generation safety contest in the construction industry - A long-term evaluation of a real-life intervention

A safety culture maturity model for petrochemical companies in Brazil

An integrated method for safety pre-warning of complex system

Analysis on occupational-related safety: Fatal accident reports of China, 2001-2008

Enabling youth to advocate for workplace safety

Evaluating a safety culture campaign: Some lessons from a Norwegian case

Investigation on the effect of impact location height on pedestrian safety using a legform impactor dynamic model

Occupational stressors identified by small-scale, independent commercial crab pot fishermen

Organizational practices and workplace health and safety: A cross-sectional study in manufacturing companies

Safety climate dimensions, leader-member exchange, and organizational support as predictors of upward safety communication in a sample of rail industry workers

STAMP-based analysis on the railway accident and accident spreading: Taking the China-Jiaoji railway accident for example

The cave resonator and the Parker Turner cave collapse problem

The intercoder agreement when using the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method in road traffic accident investigations

Two-wheel tractors: Road safety issues in Laos and Cambodia